Thursday 29 May 2014

S5 Induction Days for session 2014/15

S5 Induction Days for session 2014/15

Dear Senior Student,

Further to your letter from Mr McCallum regarding exam leave you will be aware that you are due to return to school on Monday 2nd June for the start of your 5th year. We hope you have been successful in your examinations and we look forward to welcoming you in to senior school next week.

Due to the fact that S5 is so different from previous years, with increased demands but also increased responsibilities, we have constructed an induction programme over two days to help ease this transition and ensure that you are best prepared for all that the year will bring.

The programme includes presentations from school staff, partner agencies and an inspirational speaker from the community. You will receive information that you require for the year including your timetable and a senior school contract. You will also have the opportunity to hear about how you can succeed in both your school work and in your wider achievements.

The programme for the two days will be issued to you when you arrive at school on Monday 2nd June. Please note that although the programme is Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd June you should not arrive in school until 11.00am on Monday 2nd outside the main reception at Lauderdale Street Campus. The programme will commence in the Dining Centre with Mr Macdonald and our inspirational speaker, who we are delighted to welcome to the school.

On Tuesday you will be required to come in clothing and footwear suitable for games and team building. You will also require a packed lunch or food for sharing with your friends.

Please note that if for any reason you are unable to attend the two days induction programme you must ask your parent/carer to contact the school since only young people who have attended this programme will be ready to start courses on Wednesday 5th June unless alternative arrangements have been agreed.

We very much look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Yours faithfully,

Ms Hazel Kinnear
Depute Head Teacher

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