Thursday 25 April 2013

Duke of Edinburgh Award - Gold Cyclists

The Duke of Edinburgh gold cyclists have successfully completed their 4 day expedition to Ardnamurchan.

Well done to all!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Rough Aunties - screening in aid of Jabulani project

Dear Jabulani friends,

Just a reminder that tonight we will be screening Rough Aunties, an absorbing documentary by internationally acclaimed director Kim Longinotto about five extraordinary women and their efforts to protect and care for abused and neglected children in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.  All proceeds are in support of Bobbi Bear, an organisation which supports child victims of sexual abuse. Jackie Branfield, director of Bobbi Bear, features in the film.

The screening starts at 7 pm, in lecture hall 175 at the University of Edinburgh's Old College on  South Bridge (flyer attached).

Do come, and bring family and friends. We hope to see you there!

The Jabulani Project

The Photography Event

By joining this Photography event you have 2 opportunities. Firstly, you will contribute to the school archive and secondly, you may win one of the three prizes.

So what is the Photography Event?
This is an opportunity for you to contribute your photographs that you take from now on until the deadline. These are specifically photographs of James Gillespies School and the direct internal and external environment. These photographs will be placed in a Time capsule, within the grounds during the school new build. In years to come, we do not know how these photographs will be perceived or when they will be viewed. These photographs will be placed on the floor in the hall for viewing. A visiting photographer and lecturer will select images that will be awarded a prize and then they will all be placed into the time capsule.

Tell me more about the photographs I could take?
The purpose of the photographs is to tell your story of your time at James Gillespies as an image. You may take photographs on your camera or mobile phone. These photographs should be your personal memory of the school. It may be the door handle you open everyday, worn and discoloured from constant use, the scuff on the wall as every ones bag catches when passing, the broken desk or chair, the stairwell on the way to a class, the shifting crowd between classes, the dent in the wall from the door banging, the corridor, the area you shelter in from rain at lunch etc.

I am not a photographer though
Prizes will not be given for the most immaculately sharp, professionally produced photograph. The most important aspect of this project are your ideas. The thought and consideration behind your photographs is what is important. Consider how you select and compose your photograph. You can enter as many photographs as you like. There is no minimum or maximum allowance.

The Photography Event

If I wish to enter, what do I do next?
You start to take photographs around the school grounds. You visit Mr Wallace in the Art Department to register your interest and you can also ask any questions you wish.

What is the deadline and what do I need to hand in?
THE DEADLINE WILL BE WEDNESDAY 24TH APRIL AT 4PM On the handing in day, you must include details on the back of the photograph.  

  • Your Name  
  • Tutor Group

Your photographs do not need to be mounted.
Your photograph should be printed and realistically no larger than 10”x 8” Hand them to Mr Wallace in the Art Department.
The 3 photographs that show imagination and are deemed to demonstrate an intuitive approach to this photography event even will be awarded a prize. Notification of this will be emailed to class tutors.

Russell Wallace

Image: Elliot Erwitt USA. 1988. NYC. Macy's Thanksgiving Day

Friday 19 April 2013

Car Park and pedestrian routes into school

JGHS CAR PARK USE and temporary amendments to pedestrian routes

We are pleased that construction works have now started on site. Unfortunately this does mean that the number of car park spaces available at the school is greatly reduced, so we cannot guarantee that spaces will be available for users to park cars.

We would encourage anyone who can, to use local buses to travel to and from the school. Anyone who does have to travel by car should be aware that they may require to park in the public parking bays available in and around Lauderdale Street.

Please note that for three weeks from Monday 29th April, the Lauderdale Street entrance to the car park will NOT be in use at all. During this time, visitors will need to use the public parking at all times. They must also enter/exit the school via the lower pedestrian gate in Lauderdale Street as the current main top gate will not be in use.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause all users but this is out with our control. The Health and Safety of all users is paramount and the gate closures are necessary for construction of the temporary units in the Warrender playground.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Belgium Music Trip


All pupils on this trip must attend these weekly rehearsals:
(Please check the school website for all updates on this trip)

Mondays            Wind Group       1.10pm      B1

Tuesdays             String Group       1.10pm      B1

Tuesdays             Pipe Band           3.35pm      B3

Wednesdays      Vocal Group      3.50pm      B1

Thursdays            Guitar Group     3.35pm      B1

Follow the Belgium Music Trip Blog for full information and updates